10 Awesome Youtube Tips and Tricks: January 2017

Youtube is one of the most used app in the world with lots of videos uploaded every minutes, probably right now many videos are being uploaded. 

Source: Youtube/ Google

1) Skip videos:
In PC we can skip video by clicking "J" or "K", but how to do it in Youtube Android app. IT is simple double tap on right side of the screen to skip 10 seconds (forward) and vice-versa. 

2) Use the force luke:
If you type "Use the force Luke" in Youtube search area, the screen will start to do weird things.

3) By typing "DOG MEME" in search bar, Youtube will change into colorful one. 

4) Add GIF before Youtube in browser search bar to create the GIF of the video. 

5) Keyboard shortcuts like J to rewind 10 seconds, K to skip 10 seconds, M to mute and K to play or pause. 

6) Control Youtube through keyboard by typing " www.youtube.com/leanback".

7) Change your connected Twitter account in Youtube, by going to youtube.com/account_sharing.

8) Press the bell button in Youtube App to get notified when a youtuber you subscribed uploads a video.

9) Press and hold the spacebar button to make the video go frame by frame. 

10) To make a video go in slow motion, Go to gear icon > Speed > 0.25 or 0.5 .

So guys those were 10 awesome Youtube tips and tricks.

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